
Saturday 9 February 2013

okay.. so I might have procrastinated a little...

Hey there...?

Yes, that was a rather tentative salutation, but you must understand, I'm slightly ashamed at not having written for so long, I feel that I need to peek around the door first before fully entering the room with confidence that my reception will be a good one...

I do apologise. Most profusely, for having abandoned you for so long. I know I promised to write and keep you updated about the various happenings and comings and goings in my life, but there just aren't all that many!

However, I feel that I now have a sufficient collection of drivel to entertain you with - I've been saving it up, you see! Since my last post I have travelled to distant lands, met new and interesting people, reconnected with old and equally interesting people -though a good portion were rather boring and rice cake-ish- and travelled back to my bonnie old Scotland.

Since returning all sorts of other things have been going on. For one, I have decided that I've had it with the silly, little town that I have been suffocating in for the last 18 months and that I'm moving to the new and un-suffocatingly hip and happening Edinburgh! In the words of my "gangsta" self presiding in an alternate universe, "Man, I be straight up trippin', that shiz-niz got me all up with excitin', yo!"
This has proven to be a pretty damn thrilling, frightening, difficult and frustrating decision on my part.

I'm a worrier. One of those bloody annoying people that greets every new decision with a chorus of, "What if's" and, "But I's". I drive my self to distraction with various concerns about moving, how I'm going to afford it, will I find work fast enough when arriving there (pretty much the entire employment world of Edinburgh seems highly suspicious and very reluctant to hire me), what if it proves too expensive, what if the sheepies on the hill opposite were lying bastards and the grass is actually brown, tasteless and a poor excuse for breakfast on the other side????? How will I survive if so many before me have failed miserably? I don't want to be like one of those poor creatures returning home with their tales firmly secured between their legs! Spending my life in abject despair and shame knowing that I failed myself and all those around me who had faith and believed I could do it!?!

Or...... maybe I'm just over thinking things and it will be a breeze?

I don't know. Do you know? have you done this? Are you one of the conquering heroes I have heard about? If so, please feel free to impart your knowledge and wise ways to success. What methods did you use when navigating the tricky waters of unemployment? How did you get to know a brand new and frighteningly big, new city?

Sorry if my desperation is coming across and loudly as it actually is. I did try to stifle it a bit but it has a habit of pouring into my thoughts which in turn pour onto the page... and I can't actually be arse to edit it all out right now.

I bid thee goodnight.