
Friday 23 November 2012

A few of those scribbles I promised you!

The peacock design is pen on paper. Not really an intentional drawing. Just what happens when the mind wanders. I flatter myself in saying it has an Art Nouveau- esque feel to it.

This was something I drew for a poster competition Newton Faulkner had going for his latest tour. Unfortunately I neither won nor did I place...but I still think its a cool picture so am uploading it anyway. 

This was another random thing I didn't wasn't expecting. it started out as an orange and spilled onto the paper becoming many different things.
A wee unfinished sketch of a bairn. 

one of my many unfinished little sketches that I stuck in a frame! super cool to see my art hanging on a wall. Somehow makes it feel much more than a wee scribble. I might even be tempted to finish it one day!!

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