
Sunday 17 March 2013

Holy effing hell...

Right, so my brilliant plan to move to Edinburgh has taken a very dramatic turn of events... not the pleasant kind.

This wonderful plan of mine stemmed from the news that my friend's flatmate had decided that he was moving back home.. or to London or something. I don't know. To be honest, I didn't really give a flying f**ck. That flying f**k has now been given as I have discovered he isn't quite as determined to push off as I was led to believe. Well, that is just bloody wonderful.
I handed in my notice at my flat and my job... all based on the understanding that HE WAS LEAVING!
Now, I've energeticly paddled my little boat all the way up Shit Creek where I proceeded to hurl my paddle,  as far away from myself into the churning river of poo; where it promptly disappeared from view beneath the bubbling surface of fragrant faeces; that I now will need to navigate.

Why did I do it?! I've been asking myself over and over again. Why, why, why? You don't do spontaneity, Deva. You never have. No impulse buys. No exciting menu changes at your regular restaurants and takeaways. The most exciting change you ever extend to is a new brand of shampoo! Which most of the time you don't like and then you'll tell yourself not to do it again and stick with the same old reliable brand.

Now, I'm unemployed and homeless. What the hell was I thinking!?!

God. That is all I can manage right now. I'm going to throw myself into a full scale anxiety attack if I don't stop writing about this now.

Chat later. I sincerely hope I have a better news to tell you later. Mostly for my sake. I think we can agree I'm allowed too be a little self absorbed right now.


P.S. I edited out most of the expletives but there were a couple I had to leave behind for effect.

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