
Saturday 27 October 2012

Sample #1

 A Breath of Autumn

I am not something you can see, touch, taste or smell; but I am also something that you can.
I turn green leaves to golden hues of sleep. I chase away warm winds and breathe the chill into the brisk evening air. I cry rain to wash away the exhausting heat, my tears cooling and soothing the stinging, sunburned skin of the Earth and its children.
I put mighty beasts to sleep that others wouldn't dare approach; it is my lullaby in the ears of a great bear; mine that sings him to sleep, curled up in his quiet cave.
For me trees bare sweet and sour fruit whose ripe flesh wards against the ill of the cold.
I am Autumn.

You probably know my sisters; Summer, Spring and Winter; they are more well-liked than I. Well, except for Winter, she is a solitary season. Spring and Summer have always been popular amongst the living. A time for the hum-drum and whirring of movement. Ah, but I digress.
Now is not a time for stories or sisters but a time for me.
I come after Spring with her budding flowers and thawing of ice and melting of snow. I come after Summer with her scorching heat and buzzing bees, hurriedly bobbing here and there to pass on the promise of blossoming fertility, but I come before my sister, Winter.
I begin what she will end. Do you not love what I bring? My cool and quiet? My respite after Spring's itching pollen and Summer's blistering, shimmering heat? I have been doing this for many years, ever since time first began. Long before you came and long after you leave, I shall still rush forth to bring what this tired land needs. Create a lull in the music of the world.

I had better get to work. There is much to prepare for winter, she is as punctual as she is solitary.

Many tiny hands and little feet rush to bring the still and silent at my instruction.
And so, I still the chirping of birds and the snuffling of creatures with a finger. The thriving insects of the earth and the sky will cease their humming activity and fall, instead, into quiet. "Hush now," I croon to the little scuttling creatures in the undergrowth, to beetles and badgers and foxes alike.

I cool the warm air with a whispered breath from my crisp lungs.
A single tear will bring the drumming rains and another will cool the waters of lakes and rivers and burns. My lilting melody drifting through the air will turn the shades from green to gold, altering it to my will. Oh, rejoice in the colours of my house! My ears wait eagerly for the symphony of browns, oranges and reds and my skin for the warmth of the hearth fires still to be lit. With a word I will command the great trees to set loose their leaves and the flowers to close their petals, like the many mothers drawing curtains and latching closed shutters.

And now, my sweet, it is time for sleep so close thine eyes and drift away until Spring comes to coax you awake. No, no, do not cry! She will come for you, this I will swear. We each wait our turn but a turn we will take. We have done so before and will do so again.
Ah, all is done. I am truly here. I am Autumn.

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