
Sunday 28 October 2012

A children's rhyming story I wrote (and planned to illustrate but didn't)

I see the moon and the moon sees me.
She's so big and so round and as pretty as can be,
With her open, lovely face and her light that shines so bright
I know she's always there, though she may be out of sight.

"Oh Moon," I once said,
"You're so pretty and so round,
but how do you stay up there?
So far off from the ground?"

"Little child," She said to me
"You wonder how I fly,
"So high up in the starry night,
"So high up in the sky?"

"I float, my dear," she said
Her voice so strong and proud
"My happiness, it fills me up 'til
I am large and round."
"That's how I stay," she sang to me
"So far off of the ground!"

"Should you wish, my little love,
To shine as bright as I.
Just look on up into my home,
So high up in the sky."

"You're welcome always in my home,
So grand and yet so humble.
Don't worry of the height, my love
I'll catch you if you stumble."

"You are my dearest friend, my sweet
And know I am yours too.
Never hesitate to ask
What I may do for you."

"But now, my dear, just close your eyes
and know that I am near.
My light will shine and keep at bay
Your nightmares and your fear."

"Dream your lovely dreams,
So warm and long and deep
Knowing I am here above
Watching as you sleep."

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